Quality Policy
The Management of IAPETOS SA adheres to and faithfully implements, in collaboration with its executives and associates, a quality management system.
By actively and dynamically participating, all of us who constitute the executive potential of the Company, take care that the quality management system has full observance and application in our daily operation.
The operation of the quality system that is applied concerns the activity: “provision of consulting services in matters of development and technology”.
The quality policy is determined by the Management of the Company and is expressed in a unique way, while it has been communicated to all executives and associates, as well as to the suppliers and subcontractors of the Company, but also to involved third parties.
The Company through the implementation of the quality system, has as its main goal the full compliance with the requirements of the current legislation, as well as the continuous improvement through the daily implementation and operation.
This Quality Policy Statement is an internally audited document which is reviewed and revised whenever deemed necessary by Management.
This statement is committed to the Management for continuous improvement which is monitored through annual indicators set and related to actions such as: full customer satisfaction, cooperation with suppliers, training of executives, development of new services.
The effort for full observance and operation of the quality system is made through the continuous training of our executives and associates and for this purpose the Company implements a training program every year.
The responsibility of policy making and administrative control for implementation is a responsibility of out CEO.